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Friday, May 4, 2007

A Highlander For The Highlanders

Tony Stubblefield Hands over the keys to a new Toyota Highlander to Hillcrest principal Justin Herrell

Reliable Superstore is proud to donate this Brand New Toyota Highlander! If you havn't heard of the Hillcrest Highlanders, dont worry - you will! The girls Marching Corp from Local Hillcrest Highschool has qualified for a trip to perform in Rome. The multi city trip in Europe that includes parading for the Pope in Rome will cost over $100,000. To help cover the cost a new Toyota Highlander will be raffled to raise the money. For $20 dollars you can purchase a ticket that could have you sitting behind a brand new Toyota! Your money will go directly to the Highlanders who will be selling tickets until the final drawing to be held Oct. 27th at the MSU Homecoming half time event. It's a great opportunity to support a great local tradition!
Contact Lori Lewis, president of the parents club for more information about tickets and how to help the Highlanders 417-880-9158